Holiday Cheers

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas

The title says it alllllll... even though im late on posting it.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Well you spent a lot of time with us and you can't expect us not to do anything for your departure.  SO HERE GOES!

You done is be helping us with 2 of our songs ( I ghetto-fied that sentence like a gangster)
and we dont want you to ... go away.  but you gotta graduate , even though we dont want you to. SO HAPPY GRADUATIONY THING!!!! YAYAYAYAY GO YOU!!!!! CONGRATS SO MUCH HAPPY DAYS.

well Visit this site every oncer in while and you will be able to see what  it is  our band  is up to and all the crazy stuff we're  doing to Mrs. Hicks. No coffee though , coffee is off  limits, ....maybe. Probably ...not.

Afew things might include some marshmallows, a dog, shaving cream, and a jar of cling peaches. But we're still working on that plan.

More stuff L8er

~ Pattengill Band